
Thursday 25 February 2016


The Deadly Sins In The Diet of a Woman || Slimming World Diet |

The Deadly Sins In The Diet of a Woman

In the panic of the scale ... many women live this period as the "how to go to the beach" is the permanent nightmare of the summer.

In the panic of the scale ... many women live this period as the "how to go to the beach" is the permanent nightmare of the summer.

As Ms. notes. Papazoglou, so called diets - lightning  to quickly wear your bikini hide  traps . They usually oligothermikes diets that do not include all the food groups and do not provide the necessary nutrients in the body, causing intense hunger and exhaustion feelings.

The solution? A balanced diet !

What make mistakes and how to change them

1. Leaving fasting in the morning from home!

Always eat a good breakfast, even on days when you wake up more slowly than usual.

Your breakfast may include:
- 1 cup milk or 1 yoghurt
- bread or cereals
- 1frouto season or juice

2. You eat whenever you or the ... remember!

The "golden" rule is to eat several times a day, avoiding heavy meals.

Limit fried foods, sauces and much oil while careful to consume foods from all groups.

3. Not drinking enough water!

Thirst is a "bell" dehydration. Indeed, during the summer months, the dehydration is common, especially when "anchor" on the beach. When dehydration exceeds 1% of body weight, feel discomfort, fatigue and thirst, and when "touches" 6.5% of your body weight, you feel dizziness and headache, but also more "severe" conditions such as respiratory problems .

In liquids must be consumed NOT include cola containing large amounts of sugar as well as alcoholic and caffeinated drinks and beverages are diuretics.

4. Do not consume fruits and vegetables!

The consumption of fruits and vegetables, which are particularly rich in water (approximately 85-95% by weight) and their juices, even more necessary in the summer.

Fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins and minerals and fiber (cellulose), thus becoming, the second basic food group. They contain protein and fat, but enough carbohydrates, and is what you need for brunch!

5. Avoid completely chocolate!

The weakness in chocolate is not bad ... The allegations that chocolate is harmful, mainly to mass-produced chocolates contain large amounts of sugar and vegetable and / or animal fat.

Let go, then, to the sweetness of a high quality chocolate that contains extra fat only pure cocoa, which ensures lower sugar content.

As the dietitian, the cross - lightning or a diet with ... privations to come out kormara beach harmful effects: the  first pounds lost is mainly water and minerals , which means that significant amounts lost by useful for the metal body and electrolytes, the  body easily stores  the  fat  that can be lost before, and can lead to  abnormal behavior situations to eating , such as anorexia nervosa and anorexia.


Cellulite: 4 sports to eliminate it

Cellulite: 4 sports to eliminate it

The best exercises to eliminate cellulite are isotonic exercises where the muscles twitch towards a continuous resistance. Isotonic exercises are walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, and skating, because these sports muscles contract after claim, xanasyspontai always made ​​an equal effort.

Ideally, exercise intensity not pervainei maximum potential individual effort. So, it burns stored fat and more sugars as happens in a laborious exercise.

The best sports for cellulite is walking because this exercise constantly stimulates the cardiovascular system and thus better perfused muscles and tissues.

The loose running is suitable for fluid retention and reduce the local thickness is sufficient to become loose.

Swimming is ideal exercise that strengthens the body without tiring, while the same applies to the aqua aerobic.

Sunday 21 February 2016


9 Foods You Should Not Eat Ever After Gymnastics

9 Foods You Should Not Eat Ever After Gymnastics

During exercise, the body uses all glycogen in the muscles. Glycogen is the fuel produced in the body after consumption of carbohydrates and provide energy. After the workout not only glycogen levels are low, and the muscles are damaged.

Fortunately, a little attention to diet you can help you recover your energy. Let's see what the 9 foods you should not eat at all after your workout if you do not want to stay tired and sleepy.

Red Meat
Red meat is one of the most difficult foods to digest, which it rightly puts the top of the list of foods you should not eat after training. The high in animal fat clogging your arteries, so skip it and opt for chicken.

Eggs are a healthy choice, but if you consume whole then better stay at one, which alone has 6 grams of fat. One egg and two egg whites are an excellent source of protein and healthy fats after a meal, but using more than one whole egg after training is not the best idea.

full yoghurt

Yogurt perhaps be the best option for after training, but there is a footnote. Keep your fat yogurt to 2%, fat-free and sugar. The nonfat Greek yogurt has a higher index of lean proteins from any other variety and it fixes the muscles. Slow digestion of carbohydrates, but still has fewer carbohydrates from other varieties of yoghurt. Just avoid the full-fat yoghurt which will take much longer to digest than regular yogurt.

Peanut butter
One teaspoon peanut butter is ok after a workout, but avoid more spoonfuls. Immediately after exercise your blood is diverted from the stomach, so it will need more work to digest heavy fats like peanut butter. At that time your body needs lean protein and carbohydrates.

White bread
should avoid white bread after a workout for several reasons. Firstly, because it is rich in digestible carbohydrates does not mean it is best for you. It contains a large amount of gluten and sugar, which will shuffle the digestive process and cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. Eat more whole grain bread.

Vegetables rich in fiber
can vegetables to be the alpha and omega of a proper diet, but not beyond the gym. They are rich in fiber, which will take some time to digest. Leave for later and prefer vegetables as ingredients, such as a green smoothie, an omelet or even a sandwich with whole grain bread. Spinach and cabbage are good choices because of its high nutrient content.

Chocolate bar
Hold the chocolate bar later in the day or consume a little before your workout. Fats will take more time to digest and give you fuel and will stimulate you. If you want to use chocolate after exercise, prefer the cocoa powder, which has almost no fat and easily digested.


Evil here is that after a workout are always tired and the smell of the pizza is always tempting. For this reason always carry an energy bar to go away for a little hunger and skip the challenge.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil is an excellent choice for athletes, but the right is to be eaten before training and not after. It is rich in fats give energy during exercise, but it will not help your body to return after a workout. Remember to replenish glycogen with healthy carbohydrates and retrieve your muscles with protein from lean sources.


Smart ways to take cholesterol

Tips for protecting the heart

As valuable the cholesterol to the body when it is in normal range, so damaging is when its levels rise above the allowable limits.

Learn what you can do to protect the health of your heart.

- Adopt a balanced diet enriched with fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, salads, olive oil, grilled fish (salmon and mackerel with essential fatty acids).

Limit your intake of foods such as red meat, cured meat (prefer chicken, turkey, low-fat sausage) and sweets containing cream, butter, whipped cream.

- Avoid "eating bombs" saturated fat and cholesterol. Here are some: whole milk and whole yogurt, fat cheese, butter, sour cream. Reduce consumption of red meat, such as beef, pork, lamb, and viscera such as liver, brains, etc..

It is advisable to check the consumption of seafood, with the proviso, that contain beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids can eventually contribute to a better control of cholesterol.

- Cook healthy. As important is the reduction of fatty foods, equally important is the preparation.

Remove visible fat from the meat (it has been found from investigations that can lose up to 43% of cholesterol and 12-87% of saturated fat), limit frying and prefer steaming or baking in oven.

- Stay in your weight. Keep your weight at normal levels, in proportion to your height. Excessive weight is a significant factor in cardiovascular disease.

- Hold ... proportions. Try to keep the size of your waist in the following proportions: 94 cm for men and 80 cm for women

- Exercise. Integrate into your weekly schedule to your favorite physical activity. Try to exercise at least 20 minutes a day, 4-5 times a week.

- Quit smoking.

Heart attacks in Greece have increased tenfold over the last 40 years in both sexes and the most important risk factor for them is high cholesterol, which threatens equally to both sexes, in contrast to what was previously thought.


Errors in training to avoid

Congratulations firstly to those who have decided to follow the path of systematic exercise! Will undoubtedly lead you to a life more full! You will be stronger, more productive, happier and you will avoid the most common chronic diseases that plague the Western world!

If you have health problems or exercise will help you to overcome or minimize their effects and to reduce the doses of your medications or to eliminate it completely!

Just take care to avoid any classical and constantly recurring mistakes as I will mention below in order to reap more fruit and of course to avoid risks of injury and overtraining!

Will necessarily make a gleaning and my list is far from exhaustive! So it will ask you to help you too with your kind comments to enrich this list!

1. Failure to warm up

A few minutes warm - usually 5-10 - will elicit the best results from your training, while reducing the risk of any injuries. Preheating among others:

- Increases blood flow to the involved muscles and better prepare for the exercise shock

- Increases the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles which will protect you from rapid fatigue

- Prepare the heart gradually so as to avoid an undesirably rapid pressure rise

- Prepare the neuromuscular pathways are nothing more than the channels of communication between the brain and muscles

- Improves reaction times and coordination

- Significantly reduces the risk of injury to muscles - and tendons and ligaments - it allows a greater range of motion in muscles and joints

- Lubricates joints

- Increases blood temperature which means that you can workout harder or longer

- Cause hormonal changes associated with the power adjustment

- And last but not least to prepare mentally in the best way to workout!

I write all this to show that there are significant parameters were not requested you thought! So perhaps convinced, though between you and me!

Warm up before aerobic

Start by walking or jogging and accelerate gradually Warm up before the weights

They do aerobic piece and additional targeted preheating with smaller weights or circuit training with body weight

What to watch

- Do more warm-up if your workout is tough!
- Start from scratch and turn it up smoothly and gradually
- if you do stretching will do only in warm muscles for 15 "-30"! Never in the cold! And you do not feel pain !!

2. Emphasis on aerobic and neglect exercising with weights
It's something I do mostly women but to a lesser degree and men.
The women do it because they are afraid of any get unwanted muscle volume or as I write regularly does swell, swell etc.
Please tell me if you've seen even one woman to "swell" with trikila pentakila or dumbbells? Funny things!
Many consider the weights dangerous injuries! The truth is that the weights are dangerous only when there is measureless Me!
For joints there is no issue?
None! In fact it is safer than running! Strengthen muscles, tendons and ligaments! It just needs the right technique and avoid overestimating our capabilities.
And may the heavy weights to raise the pressure during exercise but generally those who exercise regularly have a lower pressure!
The weights to make faster, increase your flexibility and do not prevent the development of adolescents unlike that profess folklore.
Do not forget that after 30 one of the greatest dangers facing physically modern man is sarcopenia:
Even though the health, strength and functionality not polyendiaferoun you and invest only in aesthetics and in sight, you should know that only the weights can change and sculpt your body, not aerobic!

3. Inadequate hydration!
More than 75% say that investigations are chronically dehydrated.
Training in dehydration status throwing performance and potentially can be extremely dangerous with cramps, convulsions, low blood pressure, reduced oxygen uptake capacity etc.
If you feel your mouth dry and sticky, if dry skin, slight headache or dizziness, constipation, low urine volume, etc., then need urgent hydration before starting the heaviest symptoms.
4. Cardio before weights

Shortly aerobic only for preheating, before weights!

Avoid doing the aerobic part before weights!

The weights are based on the performance which will be reduced after the aerobic!
Unlike aerobic based on effort and is a joy to the tired muscles weights.

5. Failure of stretching

To stretching is necessary to have flexibility, i.e. to maintain the full range of motion of your muscles!

Any omission brings inevitably chronic pain, especially in the middle, neck and shoulders.

6. overdo!
By excessive enthusiasm and commitment many have crippled their muscle - and not only - system!
The more important it is to reduce the frequency of the more intense and broutal made trainings.
 One has to allow his body to be fully restored before the next heavy prpoonisi.
Some of the most common warning signs of overtraining are among others:
- Workout leaves you exhausted instead of offering you energy
- Get sick more easily and the illness lasts longer
- Have symptoms of depression
- You find it difficult to sleep well and sufficiently
- Your legs are heavy / tired
- Muscle pains after exercise keep more days than usual etc.


Read what offers each new fitness method

If some years ago, we heard the word Zumba, or the word spinning, you stared spellbound our party and we were trying to figure out what he wants to tell us. If not, we hear the word Electro likely would be to think that this is ... EEG. Now these words have entered our daily vocabulary and even a small child can ask will answer you that this exercise methods.  

We present today what is and offers every kind of these gymnastic in the human body. The Zumba, Yoga, the yogi Powers, addressed to the great mass of the world and anyone can be exercised.


The Zumba is an aerobic form of exercise inspired by Latin rhythms, combining easy dance moves and steps simultaneously burning calories and soul. It is a mix of fitness and dance.

He first appeared in Colombia in the mid-90s with inspiration choreographer Beto, while in recent years is the most successful way of fitness. Open to all regardless of gender, age and physical condition.

In Greece it has appeared about four years, but the last two years the world's interest has soared. What makes Zoumpa special is that it combines fitness with fun. The continued high rate keeps the tension throughout the duration of the program, while the originality maintain the interest of the participants.


Another way is the fitness Yoga method, which has developed into various forms of Power, Hot u. This ancient Indian science that with the passage of time has evolved into a comprehensive wellness system and improving fitness.

It consists of a series of postures and movements of the body, in order to obtain organic and mental relaxation. The name comes from the Sanskrit root «yug» which means union, meeting, communication, completion, implementation. It combines breathing exercises with meditation techniques. It helps for a good physical condition.

Also worth mentioning that for those involved in dance, theater, sports, etc. is the most appropriate additional exercise because the body acquires power and strength through stability, the muscles and joints "open" with the stretching, it is more appropriate management of vital energy through breathing and the mind becomes more ease of concentration.

The Power yoga, is a more intense form of exercise yoga.


The Spinning is a group project with static bicycles that simulates the indoor and outdoor cycling using various techniques and is a form of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

It is for several years the "number one" form of exercise in America where he was born, while in Greece for the first time came in 1996 and the last five years has begun to spread.

A program lasting 45-50 minutes in a room that may be 30 or more bicycles. The advantages of Spinning are many. First of all it is easy for everyone, no age or gender restrictions and each practitioner can choose the intensity will accept. They are also completely safe as possible without resistance and charges of myoskelitikou system.


It lives about a century and increasingly conquering more friends. This is the Pilates, an integrated method of exercises created by Joseph Pilates. The exercises resemble with those using athletes of gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming out of water, dance and many other sports.

The type of exercises concerning isometric exercises and exercises with body weight. The important thing is to have a correct attitude to the body of the trainee and continuous monitoring during exercise, as one of the fitness purpose is for students to strengthen the deep muscles of the spine, who support it. The Pilates appeals to men and women of all ages and regardless of fitness level.

Electro - EMS

A new fitness method is that of muscle electrostimulation, launched in Germany for therapeutic purposes and for the rehabilitation of patients and injured persons experiencing musculoskeletal problems. In Greece they only in 2008. By this method sent via electrodes brainwaves all muscles simultaneously.

With electrostimulation exercise all the major muscle groups using both the known gymnastic methods and results are maximized, since the exercise begins from the inside out. Within 30 minutes we exercise results 8 hours.

The electrostimulation is addressed to all those who do not have much time to do gymnastics, regardless of their age and gender, as well as people with disabilities, while the process has gotten the approval and the Athens Medical Association.

Friday 12 February 2016


5 eternal questions about the pounds (and the whole truth)

As enough is enough then. The answers that follow put a definitive end to this insanity.

Can coffee to make me lose pounds?
The coffee may act as a substitute for food, but this in no case means that will help us in the long term. At the same time, several coffee drinks are high in calories and create a mess in the body, blocking the metabolism.

Burn more calories if you exercise on an empty stomach?
The answer is unequivocal: No. In fact, eating properly before exercise can have greater calorie burning.

If you eat after 8 pm will fatten?
Scientifically, the body metabolizes the food in the same way, no matter what time the

consume. Therefore, regular consumption of healthy foods, after 8 pm not affect weight. But the problem is that few people choose healthy foods in the evening.

Diets low in calories will weaken?
In the short term perhaps but over time this is not true. Diets based on an extreme food choice is difficult to have faithful fans for a long time thus end up being a temporary solution. Moreover, many of these are linked to health problems such as digestive.

The beer is fattening?
While alcohol is a major source of calories can contribute to weight gain, food consumed to accompany the drink are as fattening. So in essence, the beer, although it has calories but nuts and snacks are those that do the damage.


You want to turn 10 years back ;;; Here's how you do !!!

A new British research from King's College, London, published in Archives of international medicine, argues that 3.5 hours of exercise a week make your body look and feel up to 10 years younger.

The anti-aging properties of the gym located mainly in aerobic sports like running, cycling and swimming that improve the functioning of the heart and lungs. The researchers studied the relationship between biological age and sport, as well as DNA and genes from 2,401 sisters twins where one systematically exercised, while the other followed sedentary.

The results showed that people who were running or engaged in aerobic sports were up to 10 years biologically younger than others.

Tuesday 9 February 2016


You want to burn fat? Do the appropriate workout?

Although controversial, the fact is that while man loves fat, the next time will consume looking how to get rid of them. Few times we believe as we need patience, and usually lost in the sense of easy ways and extreme solutions.

The fat in our body is involved every time, even at rest to our energy needs. At rest our normal pulses ranging between 60 to 70, a rate of 30-35% relative to the maximum pulse capability our heart.

Fats are involved in power generation by 60%, while when the volume reaches up to 50% of maximal oxygen intake, energy is supplied equally by both carbohydrate and the fat, the more pronounced is the effort the greater the contribution carbohydrate and fat, respectively less energy our needs.

The intensity, duration, the glycogen reserves and training are the key criteria for the type of fuel and the amount that our organization will spend during an activity.

Why is it difficult to spend the fat?

One gram, fat provides energy of 9.5 kcal while a g. carbohydrate energy only 4.2 kcal. Accordingly, to burn out and to give the above play a fat gram require almost 2ltr oxygen and to burn a carbohydrate gram oxygen 0.8 ltr.

This is one of the reasons that the first body in large burdens uses carbohydrates. You need less oxygen. When exhausted, then forced to spend and fat. Usually this is done after 30 minutes of continuous exercise. Certainly play an important role and glycogen (carbohydrates) already in the muscles. Think outside of the sugar we all know, carbohydrates in various formats we get from fruits, bread and all the pastries, rice, pasta, potatoes, legumes .No is easy to say missed

After you logically wonder ..

Since the contribution of fat for energy production is greatest at low intensities, because the need to increase the tension above 50% of maximum heart rate;

Can the contribution of the fat is important in this tension, but the need for energy is small and does not exceed 20 g. fat per hour when not surpass 50% of maximum heart sychnotitas.Se moderate intensity is 60-70%, while smaller but reaches up to 40 g. fat per hour.

Can the training a certain muscle group to contribute to loss of local fat from the area?

Yes, but the amount of intramuscular fat burned is minimal. The loss does not change the image of our body as opposed to the loss of subcutaneous fat which is visible and easily measurable. Therefore, the practical training of a certain muscle group does not help the image of our body

Does the solution is liposuction?

The solution depends on many factors and can not be apolyti.Kata during liposuction removed from the body some thousands lipokyttara.'Ara their fat depots elattonontai.An then reinstate weight, the excess fat is stored in other overlays; stores in our bodies. If for example the remove the belly, then can be stored in the buttocks or thighs.

Caution is needed in childhood in which if the child recruit weight constantly created new lipokytara for it to be saved. However, newer studies show that can be created in adulthood.

The introduction refers to the word patience. The fat burning mechanism for energy wisely is studied and there is no way to fool your body and lose fat quickly and easily. It requires patience, consistency and continuity in training and diet to get the results we want.