
Sunday 21 February 2016

Smart ways to take cholesterol

Tips for protecting the heart

As valuable the cholesterol to the body when it is in normal range, so damaging is when its levels rise above the allowable limits.

Learn what you can do to protect the health of your heart.

- Adopt a balanced diet enriched with fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, salads, olive oil, grilled fish (salmon and mackerel with essential fatty acids).

Limit your intake of foods such as red meat, cured meat (prefer chicken, turkey, low-fat sausage) and sweets containing cream, butter, whipped cream.

- Avoid "eating bombs" saturated fat and cholesterol. Here are some: whole milk and whole yogurt, fat cheese, butter, sour cream. Reduce consumption of red meat, such as beef, pork, lamb, and viscera such as liver, brains, etc..

It is advisable to check the consumption of seafood, with the proviso, that contain beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids can eventually contribute to a better control of cholesterol.

- Cook healthy. As important is the reduction of fatty foods, equally important is the preparation.

Remove visible fat from the meat (it has been found from investigations that can lose up to 43% of cholesterol and 12-87% of saturated fat), limit frying and prefer steaming or baking in oven.

- Stay in your weight. Keep your weight at normal levels, in proportion to your height. Excessive weight is a significant factor in cardiovascular disease.

- Hold ... proportions. Try to keep the size of your waist in the following proportions: 94 cm for men and 80 cm for women

- Exercise. Integrate into your weekly schedule to your favorite physical activity. Try to exercise at least 20 minutes a day, 4-5 times a week.

- Quit smoking.

Heart attacks in Greece have increased tenfold over the last 40 years in both sexes and the most important risk factor for them is high cholesterol, which threatens equally to both sexes, in contrast to what was previously thought.

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