
Thursday, 25 February 2016

The Deadly Sins In The Diet of a Woman || Slimming World Diet |

The Deadly Sins In The Diet of a Woman

In the panic of the scale ... many women live this period as the "how to go to the beach" is the permanent nightmare of the summer.

In the panic of the scale ... many women live this period as the "how to go to the beach" is the permanent nightmare of the summer.

As Ms. notes. Papazoglou, so called diets - lightning  to quickly wear your bikini hide  traps . They usually oligothermikes diets that do not include all the food groups and do not provide the necessary nutrients in the body, causing intense hunger and exhaustion feelings.

The solution? A balanced diet !

What make mistakes and how to change them

1. Leaving fasting in the morning from home!

Always eat a good breakfast, even on days when you wake up more slowly than usual.

Your breakfast may include:
- 1 cup milk or 1 yoghurt
- bread or cereals
- 1frouto season or juice

2. You eat whenever you or the ... remember!

The "golden" rule is to eat several times a day, avoiding heavy meals.

Limit fried foods, sauces and much oil while careful to consume foods from all groups.

3. Not drinking enough water!

Thirst is a "bell" dehydration. Indeed, during the summer months, the dehydration is common, especially when "anchor" on the beach. When dehydration exceeds 1% of body weight, feel discomfort, fatigue and thirst, and when "touches" 6.5% of your body weight, you feel dizziness and headache, but also more "severe" conditions such as respiratory problems .

In liquids must be consumed NOT include cola containing large amounts of sugar as well as alcoholic and caffeinated drinks and beverages are diuretics.

4. Do not consume fruits and vegetables!

The consumption of fruits and vegetables, which are particularly rich in water (approximately 85-95% by weight) and their juices, even more necessary in the summer.

Fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins and minerals and fiber (cellulose), thus becoming, the second basic food group. They contain protein and fat, but enough carbohydrates, and is what you need for brunch!

5. Avoid completely chocolate!

The weakness in chocolate is not bad ... The allegations that chocolate is harmful, mainly to mass-produced chocolates contain large amounts of sugar and vegetable and / or animal fat.

Let go, then, to the sweetness of a high quality chocolate that contains extra fat only pure cocoa, which ensures lower sugar content.

As the dietitian, the cross - lightning or a diet with ... privations to come out kormara beach harmful effects: the  first pounds lost is mainly water and minerals , which means that significant amounts lost by useful for the metal body and electrolytes, the  body easily stores  the  fat  that can be lost before, and can lead to  abnormal behavior situations to eating , such as anorexia nervosa and anorexia.

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