
Sunday 7 February 2016

September: the new year of fitness

O September is considered the  New Year of coaching season. At least for us, we work in the fitness room.

A coaching season starts in the autumn, to finish in August.

So here I am to animate you to launch the new "coaching" season.

You should know that starting to exercise, you need to follow some steps.

These steps are of course defines the trainer or your coach, not you.

So, do not enter the gym saying "I will do what I know or that I like".

I hear it then and it's wrong.

To properly manned spaces fitness, you need to guide someone, at regular intervals.

You, of course, need to hear and not to your head.

Let's talk now generally stages.

The first stage is the stage adaptation.

The trainer will give you a program (usually 15thimero) which includes easy exercises without much pressure.

The aim is to prepare the joints, muscles and general body in the most demanding programs that will follow.

Then, depending on certain parameters such as your musculoskeletal condition, your goal, consistency, they go out and the remaining coaching shapes.

In personal training course, which the trainer deals exclusively with you, the preparation becomes more integrated.

Therefore, someone who has never exercised in his life, it is best to make even a few lessons in the beginning.

Usually the programs are difficult mid-season, ie shortly after Christmas.

Reaching the end of the season (mid-summer about) xanachalaronoun little.

Two weeks rest and abstinence from gymnastics in period is necessary to allow the body to rejoin strong and healthy in the new season coaching.

As you can see then, the gym is or rather should not not be, something that stop-start-neglect, when smoked us.

It is a process to be effective, it must first be monitored by touseidikous and then know consistency and dedication.

Then and only then, you will see the desired results.

And one last thing. Do what you like or what suits you.

Many times the desired result requires another type of workouts, from those you choose.

Learn to listen to those who know more than you.

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