
Sunday 7 February 2016

5 super exercises for overall strength

If you want to workout your whole body and strengthen all your muscles, and see five super effective exercises for strength throughout the body.

Good the biceps curl, chest press are nice, attractive and shoulder areas, but if you want to workout your whole body and strengthen all your muscles, you may need to change exercises.

Or incorporate some of these super effective moves to your workout.

Turkish Get-Ups


The Turkish ... Arise - the name they got from the Turkish wrestling - based on a fairly simple motion, that we do to rise from the ground. The difference is that the addition of a dumbbell or a kettlebell difficult to move. To make them, lie on one side while holding in your hand a dumbbell or Kettlebell, as shown in the photo. Slowly stand up, holding the dumbbell over your head with an outstretched hand. The exercise is difficult to learn, but with enough practice you will realize how effective it is.

If you can perform 3-4 sets of 5-10 repetitions on each side, then surely your strength is high.

Swing Squats


Holding a dumbbell next to your foot with one hand, as shown in the photograph, lower in position for seat bending your legs and throwing back the pelvis and keeping your back straight. From that position, get up at the same time lifting the dumbbell up and immediately xanakathiste the starting position. If you do this exercise explosives and with proper technique you will notice that your pulse will rise considerably after a few iterations, which makes this exercise highly effective both for strength and for your strength.
Perform 3-4 sets of 10 -12 repeats.

throwing the ball


Do you stress? You want to increase the power in the upper body, trunk and legs? You throw the ball is quite easy and as effective exercise. It can be done with a simple basketball, but for more resistance we recommend using a medicine ball, which you will find at the gym. Lift the ball over your head, take it by force to the territory and greet it carefully without hitting your head!
Repeat for as long as you can afford (ideally fifty iterations are sufficient), doing 3-4 sets.



Since the movements you will love to hate ..., the burpees combine pushups and jumping into an "explosive" effect. You start able to seat with your hands in front of the floor, slightly more open than the shoulder width, as shown in the photo. Kick with your feet backwards, keeping the upper body stable position pushup. Land on your toes with your body straight and your back foot immediately to the original seating position. From this position then jump again and return to the position for the seat.

A typical training burpees usually includes three sets of 10,15 and 20 reps, but you can do as many bear within 1-2 minutes.

Deadlift with shoulder press


The basic movement behind this exercise is quite simple: take a heavy object from the ground and lifting it over your head. This object could be dumbbells, a barbell or a kettlebel. Suppose it dumbbells, start bending your knees and keeping your back straight. You get up looking forward, lifting it together with your hands dumbbells (biceps curl) until you reach the chest and then press the shoulders until they come over your head. Return to starting position.
Perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

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