
Saturday, 6 February 2016

In what way to bodybuilding giving to your build category

you can count on your body type to gymnastics properly and see quick results. See which category your own body type, what are your problem areas and give basis to "them.

Body Milos

You have ample bosom and perhaps a little "belly", while the waist, hips and breasts are not too discordant. Also, your butt is quite small - almost extinct!

Problem areas: You lose weight easily in the legs and arms, but hardly the waist and chest. What to do: run, bike, abdominal and dorsal muscles, and exercises for buttocks. Your goal is to reduce the waistline, which it should be measured regularly.

Body pear

Your hips are wider than your shoulders and chest. The waist and your hips are well formed.

Problem areas: You have a tendency to gain weight in the lower body.

What to do: to give the right shape in the legs and buttocks, you should do weight training and aerobics to "burn" fat. Do not forget to count every month girth hips and waist, aiming to reduce the circumference of the hips.

Body hourglass

Your waist is thin, but much smaller than the chest and your hips. Got curves, beautiful legs and ankles.

Problem areas: You take weight on the back of your thighs and the tops of your hands.

What to do: Empowering the hands and feet exercises

Body type pencil

You're too weak and shoulders, the waist and your hips are almost the same width. Your back, arms and your shoulders are beautifully formed.

Problematic areas: If you take weight, take it from the waist down, with your legs have more body fat than the rest of your body.

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