
Saturday 6 February 2016

The effects of aerobic exercise on parameters of fitness

It is commonly accepted that the cardiopulmonary function and strength decreases with the passage of time in an average human. The maximum heart rate, ikardiaki flow rate, oxygen intake, body composition change with increasing age (Spirduso). How much aerobic capacity, how much strength and how much strength is lost with the passage of time is a key question and whether the loss is due to aging and how to disuse (lack of physical activity and exercise).

Maximum Oxygen Uptake (VO2max)

Studies have shown that aerobic form improves parameters of the physical conditions, and although the loss of aerobic capacity is a result of aging may through exercise to improve in general. It has been found that even older people throughout their life sedentary and participated in aerobic exercise programs can improve aerobic capacity at satisfactory levels.

The effects of exercise in the elderly increases the levels of oxygen use and in many cases these levels are higher than in young subjects.

Investigations have shown that prolonged and high intensity aerobic exercise increases VO2max in subjects aged 60-80 years. Studies that compared the fall of aerobic capacity among individuals consistently exercised and individuals who follow a sedentary lifestyle showed that the drop in aerobic capacity is not only a result of aging and reduced physical activity. If the physical activity continued with increasing age, then the rate of fall of VO2max is smaller. In people aged 62 years who exercised vigorously with strength program, the drop in VO2max in an eight years follow-up period was only 5% compared with persons of the same age at the same time not have exercised and VO2max declined by 12% so that .Fainetai continuous and intense exercise can maintain VO2max high and reduce the rate of decline in half. It should be noted that the rate of decline of VO2max does not depend on the initial level of fitness. That initially Indiv VO2max does not mean you have less drop VO2maxme over time. Only continuous physical activity can reduce the rate of decline of strength regardless of the initial level of fitness.

H maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) is an indicator of the maximum cardiovascular functioning of the body and reduces the rate of 8-11% per decade after the age of 25. One of the main causes of the reduction due to the reduction of physical activity.

Studies have shown that prolonged, high-intensity aerobic exercise afxaneitin VO2max in subjects aged 60-80 years. Studies that compared the fall of aerobic capacity among individuals consistently exercised and individuals who follow a sedentary lifestyle showed that the drop in aerobic capacity is not only a result of aging and reduced physical activity.

If the physical activity continued with increasing age, then the rate of fall of VO2max is smaller. In people aged 62 years who exercised vigorously with strength program, the drop in VO2max in an eight years follow-up period was only 5% compared with persons of the same age at the same time not have exercised and VO2max declined by 12%. It seems that the constant and intense exercise can maintain VO2max high and reduce the rate of decline in half. It should be noted that the rate of decline of VO2max does not depend on the initial level of fitness. Ie those with initially high VO2max does not mean you have less decline in VO2max with the passage of time. Only continuous physical activity can reduce the rate of decline of strength regardless of the initial level of fitness.

muscle strength

Aerobic exercise has positive effects and strength. Surveys conducted in elderly people who could not participate in exercise programs followed by resistances of very low intensity exercise, increasing strength observed. It has been found that the low-intensity exercise five times a week for three months improved static balance women 60-71 years. Because the elderly sedentary have low fitness levels, low intensity programs increase strength and antochitous. Muscle strength can be maintained by means of aerobic exercise, keeping the number of muscle type I and IIa fibers. Maintaining the fibers of this type may be accomplished through the aerobic training at all ages. These results are shown in many studies conducted among elderly exercisers and people of the same age who did not exercise a different kind of sports. A sedentary lifestyle has negative effects on muscle energy production but these effects can be reversed with regular exercise.

The Fiatarone and his colleagues found large gains in muscular strength, endurance and mobility in people aged 86-96 years who followed a highly sedentary with chronic diseases and dysfunctions. Even people who could not participate in exercise programs with resistances observed improvement of strength, flexibility and mobility following light intensity aerobic exercise. Because the very elderly have limited physical condition, the aerobic exercise program at low intensity offer small improvements in muscle strength and endurance.

muscle Strength

Studies have shown that older women who swam the same hours with younger had lower levels of muscle strength but their muscle strength did not differ. Muscle strength can be maintained and increased, improving the oxidative ability of the murine type I fibers (oxydotikes) and formula IIa (oxydoglykolytikes). Improved oxidative capacity can be increased by increasing the energy efficiency of the mitochondria. If you compare the  recommendation (Fatigability) of glycolytic muscle fibers of the elderly with younger people will not find significant differences between them.

The oxydotiki ability of these individuals can be improved with strength training. The above indicated that the oxidative capacity of mitochondria five elderly men increased significantly after systemic aerobic exercise 12 weeks.

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