
Saturday 6 February 2016

9 Reasons not do "lineage"

Read, observe yourself in which of the following reasons, your head will positively shake and the next time, before you begin with weights in the gym, think about how you can work around all the obstacles that have hooked you in the same weight, for a long time. 

The building of your muscle mass and the goal to get the body of Schwarzenegger in his youth, is not easy targets and the reasons that keep you away from fulfilling them are not few and is not negligible.

Read, observe yourself in which of the following reasons, your head will positively shake and the next time, before you begin with weights in the gym, think about how you can work around all the obstacles that have hooked you in the same weight, for a long time.

You do not have patience

Impatience affects more starters on muscle strengthening exercises in a hurry to begin poses in front of the mirror. But the first changes in the body, is not visible to the naked eye, and about your coordination, reaction of own muscle in your workouts and active brain communicate with your muscular system. Do not wait, then, after two weeks of exercise may have done "mice". Remember that wants persistence, patience and virtue of the built body.

No notes

It may not be something most people do, but maintaining your gymnastic performance calendar offers much to your progress. Record consistently in your training sessions program, the weights you use every time, the repetitions that you manage, intensity and rhythm exercises and breaks do between sets.

The notes will look your very useful in assessing your overall progress at the end of a period, while in case of injury will help you find the reason behind it.

You have no program

Do not contact the random workouts, but insist on compliance with a particular program. Seek expert help you and organize you and your "forced" to follow the program. Random exercises, do not lose their value, but the organized trainings will bring you better and faster results.

Give emphasis on aerobic

If your goal is muscle strengthening and volume, then aerobic exercise should not occupy a large part of your workouts. You need not and should not block it from your program, but remember that your week, 4 days should be for resistance and strength training.

You bad mood

The most likely scenario is your bad mood due to the increased stress of your everyday life, but in this case the faster you get rid of all those stressful the more effective will be your visits to the gym. Eat properly and healthily, drink a lot of water, sleep eight hours every night, do meditation and your body will react better to the exercises.

eat light

If you want to rise your arms, do not eat salads every day. The muscles need calories to grow and gymnastics requires energy. Along with the exercise program, and follow a dietary program that will prevent you from being processed end up in options. Choose organic produce, meat and milk, healthy fats, whole grains and remember that "you are what you eat ', so be doubly careful with your choices.

"Steal" the repetitions

Do not be fooled by those guys at the gym who never complete the set of their abdominal and after looking around them if they saw their coach. Whether you saw or did not see you, the result is the same and not in your favor. Half jobs and bring truncated results. Impose yourself to yourself to complete your exercises correctly and consistently, even if it takes you longer than the other patrons of the gym.

Avoid compound exercises

Set the sequence of your workout according to your energy and do not let the most complex and tedious for the end of the training. Strenuous exercises such as squats and lifting heavy weights, make the beginning of your day and the exercises they train individual muscles, allow for the end. Even muscle strengthening does not want so much trouble, as he way.

Are you addicted to the gym

To spend hours and hours in the gym will not accelerate your muscle empowerment process. The body needs time to manage the changes that are happening and this time must you also to respect him. Do you get your stamina to the limit, keep your schedule, you stay focused on your goal and there is no reason to ximerovradiazeste in the fitness room.

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