Read how to use your body fat as 'fuel'
Even the best athlete trying to maximize fat burning, and
even once trained with resistance. It can be from those that focus on calorie
counting, in the corridor display or those who do not stop if you do not fall
down. Whichever category you belong, the ideal situation is all the exercises
cause the maximum burning fat you want . However, I know how to burn stubborn
body fat is an extremely slow process.
How is the treadmill or your watch to write that hundreds of
calories consumed every workout but in your mirror does not look anything. Some
experts say the evidence of the corridor is unrealistically optimistic.
Research shows that to optimize fat burning need 300 minutes of exercise weekly
with a minimum of 150 minutes each week to see a rudimentary results. Another
important issue is the need to control caloric intake and caloric consumption.
You will not be able to burn fat with any exercise, if you have a positive
energy balance. The reduction of body fat depends on hypocaloric diet you
follow, ie that the calories you consume is more than the calories ingested. In
addition, exercise can promote the burning of fat and other benefits to your
health beyond a proper diet. (1,2)
When you follow a hypocaloric diet ideal, about 200-500
calories less than required maintenance calories, the question is how to
maximize fat burning during exercise. You need to understand how cells control
muscle burning calories in your body, what energy system you use (fat vs
carbohydrates), how fat is created and how it burned.
Aerobic exercise to increase fat burning
The simplistic notion that the longer the exercise, the more
calories consumed, is correct. A basic concept of cellular energy explains why,
although train with moderate exercise, the preferred energy system to cover q t
j s energy needs of the cells is body fat. There is a theory which says that
more fat burned when the intensity training approaches the anaerobic threshold,
resulting in the accumulation of lactic acid, against another theory claims
that most fat burning after exercise.
If you exceed the anaerobic flat ofli interferes As the
oxidation of fatty acids by biochemical mechanisms, making the effort to become
less productive in the short term fat burning. (3) The ideal steady pace
exercise so that your body to use fat as energy system is about 65% of VO2 max
, if you Fit, and 50-60%, if you're not Fit, that are struggling but they're
not panting. (4) Although the fanatics will agree to this point, every athlete
must recognize what it can do and what it actually does. The best type of
aerobic exercise for fat burning, generally follows a protocol with an
intermittent exercise approach, alternating t bis efforts leading to the
production of lactic acid, with moderate intensity exercise to allow the muscle,
and not only rehabilitation. (5.6) So Seemingly, this allows you to train at a
higher percentage of VO2max, equivalent to burning more calories and fat, both
in absolute numbers but also in percentage.
Storage and Fat Burning
There are more things to watch out of that only increase
your physical activity. Body fat must be available for power generation. The
fat and specific fatty acids, burned in specialized regions of the cell called
mitochondria. There, the fat since acids decompose, burn slowly (7) and produce
energy ( adenosine triphosphate - ATP) or heat. the heat production by burning
fatty acids (burning calories) is necessary to maintain your proper body
temperature. However, without the use of drugs or of an infection, it is
difficult to increase the oxidation of fatty acids, for increased heat and the
risk of overheating is increased.
The fatty acids can be derived from the stored fat to muscle
groups or the bloodstream. The fatty acids in the blood may be available from
dietary fat or fat stored in adipocytes of your body.
Body fat is stored largely in skeletal muscles. Small
quantities are stored there for long-term energy. When the intramuscular fat
exceeds a healthy concentration, then intervenes in cellular physiology and
insulin sensitivity (8). The intramuscular fat more there when you diets low in
carbohydrates, and increases in such situations (9). the intramuscular fat is
cleaved into fatty acids, cleavage depends on the energy needs of the cell at a
time. It is a slow process which is inhibited by acidosis, so that these
dependent fatty acids is limited in efforts below the anaerobic threshold, once
the glycogen stores in muscle groups is exhausted (3) . the signals that
activate the breakdown of intramuscular fat may start by activity receptors on
the membrane surface muscle cell (type ephedrine or caffeine), or by inducing
reactions caused by the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
(into the muscle cell) within the constriction (10,11). If you follow a reduced
calorie, mixed, diet have less intramuscular fat cleavage.
The fat ingested from food is digested in the stomach and
intestine, absorbed and transported by chylomicrons (category lipoproteins)
into the lymphatic system through the intestinal villi. Lymphatic vessels are
emptied into the circulatory blood and chylomicrons cleaved lipid
(triglycerides) cholesterol and other fat molecules. The fat circulating in the
blood, and cleaved into fatty acids in the cells. If the cell is metabolically
active (working muscles, heart), then the fatty acids may be sent directly to
the mitochondria for energy production. But if the cell is metabolically
"asleep" (muscles rest, adipocyte), then the fatty acids are reformed
into triglycerides and stored.
Usually the goal is to reduce the fat stored. But you can
become active during the postprandial increase in blood triglyceride in order
to deflect the movement of triglycerides from their storage (12), a
calorie-burning process. What you can achieve with a brisk walking (maximum levels
of triglycerides in the blood) following a high fat meal (13). Unfortunately,
they usually have heavier and richer in fat, evening meals, tending to sleep
during the time period is maximum fat storage.
Decay and Release
The type of fat ingested can affect the oxidation at the
expense of storage. You need a sufficient amount of your saturated fat in the
diet, as long chain fatty acids found in animal fats that contain the majority
of. Cell membranes However, there are advantages when incorporated and other
fats in your diet, with many of them more easily introduced in the oxidative
cycle (burning calories) than that in the storage. Medium chain triglycerides
from coconut, oleic acid from olive (olive oil) and omega-3 fatty acids from
fish oil ( DHA, EPA) are readily available and accessible. The investigations
have not resulted in all cases, but there is considerable evidence that these
fat burning easier for energy production (14,15,16).
A recent nutritional approach includes carbohydrates. Along
with the effects of insulin, which will be discussed below, the high glycemic
diets exacerbates the increase in triglycerides after a meal, possibly
increasing hepatic lipogennesi (fat producing) (17,18). It is considered that
the glycemic index is the critical factor that needs control, but appears to be
related to the total intake of carbohydrates in the diet, as well as
substituting complex carbohydrates to simple sugars (sucrose) in your diet, not
always affected blood triglyceride levels. the information here is
contradictory (19). It is possible, a factor responsible for the success of a
diet low in carbohydrates for the reduction of stored body fat, is the
reduction of fat circulating in the blood after eating. Then you will compel
your body to break down stored fat to meet the energy needs of the
Interestingly, the fact that the factors that contribute to
the breakdown and release of stored fat, while promoting the decomposition of
intramuscular fat as fast as calories burned. Adipocytes, cells that form the
fatty tissue is extremely sensitive to insulin. The latter is released because
of the sugars from the food and notifies adipocytes to stop degradation of the
stored sugars and also to store the fat from the food, converting them into
body fat. Effective fat reduction can not be, unless the insulin is at low
levels. Therefore, a factor that should receive your account, as regards the
temporal moment of the exercise for maximum fat burning is to avoid to train
when insulin levels in your blood are high. You may take up to 3-4 hours after
a meal to recover insulin and glucose levels to normal levels. The best time to
train (for maximum fat burning) may be before breakfast, and sleep is the
longest time that your body is left without food.
The hormones that promote the release of fat from fat cells
and fat burning in muscle cells, are those related to high energy states. The
norepinephrine (neurotransmitter as adrenaline) and thyroid hormone is the
dominant hormone. When the adipocyte stimulated by these hormones, the stored
fat is released into the bloodstream. Regarding muscle cells, a specific
transmitter fatty acids grabs fatty acids circulating in the blood and
introduces energy production. He forwarder equal activated by muscle
contraction (10,11).
Fatty acids (fat)
The rate at which fatty acids are burned, largely depends on
the volume (20). While fatty acids are absorbed from the blood, while released
from storage in muscle groups when they are stimulated by norepinephrine. The
reaction in the adipocyte, as in muscle cells, depends on a molecule -
messenger called cyclic AMP or cAMP. This molecule rapidly inactivated by an
enzyme called adenylate cyclase. The levels may remain elevated with caffeine
use, explaining the activity of once popular ephedrine / caffeine product.
Caffeine alone may not be effective in promoting intramuscular fatty acid
oxidation, necessitating the use of an adrenergic stimulant or a physiological
stimulus (cold, fear or competition) (21).
As fatty acids are available in the blood, a cascade of
processes occurring in your body that, these fatty acids, sent from within the
muscle cell mitochondria, the cell factories because their enzymes carry out the
steps of aerobic metabolism which yield energy. There was the view that
increasing the molecule - carrier of fatty acids through supplementation
carnitine, fat burning can be enhanced, but this does not seem to have a base
to true (20). Few products are proven to contribute to increased oxidation of
fatty acids and more withdrawn as illegal or hazardous to health. A nutritional
supplement which may be operated, are bile acids, which activate thyroid
hormone in the muscle groups in the "brown fat" (22).
These contain an overview of the factors that can help to
utilize body fat for fuel during exercise . To summarize, we report that the
muscle groups use two primary sources of energy during exercise. Carbohydrates
and fat (fatty acids). In low- and moderate-intensity exercise, fat is the main
energy source of the organism . The high-intensity exercise, including
enzymatic processes, operating for the manufacture of lactic acid, as well as
for specific glykolitikous metabolites. If small high intensity exercise
eruptions interfere with low or moderate exercise intensity (interval training
- interval training), the muscle cell increases its ability to continue to use
fat for energy.
D. It is not only important type of exercise and the moment
of this. Dietary changes in hormonal environment affect fat storage and their
cleavage. If you want to focus on the burning of stored fat, it is critical to
avoid exercise during which insulin levels in your blood are elevated. Avoid
them, full of sugar, sports drinks before training. Insulin levels may remain
elevated for up to three hours after a meal, but to most people, returning to
normal levels in about 90 minutes. Waiting for the climax of the fatty acids in
the blood after a meal, which takes place 4-6 hours after a meal, you can
prevent the storage, performing high intensity exercise. Of course, the timing
which maximizes the burning of stored fat is to exercise before breakfast,
taking advantage of the abstinence from food during the night.
Fat burning may be derived from the meal from fat stored in
your body, or by small fat deposits in muscle cells (intramuscular). If insulin
levels in your blood is low, as is normal, and do your workout early in the
morning to remove the fat from the meal, you can maximize the release of stored
fat, following an interval training program during preferably in a cold
environment in order to maximize the percentage of fat that will burn.
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