
Monday, 8 February 2016

Warehouses fat in men and women

The  body fat  of humans differs in  essential  or  fundamental  and  storage .

The first include, for example,  fats  which construct the  cell membranes  or sphingomyelin  a substance with a great effect on the nervous system. As is easily understood, its presence is a sine qua non for the  correct functioning  of the organism. In essential fat is included and the " specific for gender " fat which is situated in  the female body, comprising fat which is in the  chest , the  hip  and  thighs and fat added in the female body during  puberty  in preparation for  future pregnancy .

The " specific for gender " explains the fact that a middle  normovaris  woman  has a greater percentage  of fat  by means  normovari  man  (18-28% versus 10-20%) and also explains how women with extremely low levels of  fat  (e. x. specific sports athletes or dancers) may present  complications  in reproductive  the system (eg amenorrhea).

What is storage fat?

The  storage fat  is the fat man saves for  the future production of energy , when the energy balance is  positive , ie. In the periods when the person consumes dietary more  energy  than needed (ie. Than it spends the same period).

The fat storage is distinguished in  subcutaneous , ie the fat stored in  adipose  tissue  located under the  skin  and  visceral , which refers to the fat stored in  adipose  tissue  located in  the thoracic  and  abdominal  cavity around and between  institutions . A small amount of fat stored and  intramuscularly .

The energy storage mechanism in  the form of fat , was reportedly  very valuable  for prehistoric man, wherein the feed finding was occasional and depends on many  factors . Today, however, the Western world, in an environment that is characterized by  an abundance  of food  and  sedentary  life , the excessive  accumulation of fat in the human body is more than  usual  and brings a wealth of  problems  in  health .

Different fat distribution in men and women?

We've noticed that the  men  tend to collect the storage fat  belly  making the body look like  apple  (mannish distribution), while in  women  the fat tends to be distributed in the region  the buttocks , giving the body a picture  pear  (female division). The impressive thing is that the storage of fat in the  abdomen  has a greater impact than the same deposition  buttocks . Thus, increased  circumference  waist  is predictive factor for  dyslipidemia ,  hypertension ,  coronary heart disease ,  type II diabetes and even  premature death .

Because the fat is distributed differently in men and women?

The exact  causes  remain unknown to the scientific community, although differences in hormones ,  receptors,  hormones and concentrations  of enzymes  between the sexes seems to play an  important  role .

The role of  hormones  of sex in  a different distribution  of fat is not disputed and may even give a good explanation to why  women  who brought the classic  female  distribution  of fat  before  menopause , they begin to store large levels of fat in the  abdomen , after than when the levels  of estrogen  are greatly reduced.

How can I reduce my fat storage?

In periods where the total  energy  needs  of the body (basal metabolism plus physical activity we perform) is  greater  than our energy intake from food, the body is  obliged  to use  stored  fat  as a substrate for energy production, reducing the overall amount of the  body  us. Of course, the body can metabolize  muscle  mass  for energy production, which is generally  undesirable . The  exercise  with  resistors  will limit this catabolism, helping indirectly to the maximum  loss  of fat . The  aerobic  exercise  will help you directly increasing the  caloric  deficit  that may already be generated by  feeding  you. Although many consider how the  walking  contributes to the maximum  loss  of fat  (because the particular tensions observed the highest percentage participation fat as energy substrate) in  the jogging) will help you lose more  fat .

I target the point where I want to reduce my fat?

Though many  heard  on this issue, the  truth  is that, unfortunately, we can not  choose  the point where the  body  we will choose to metabolize  fat mass . Neither the endless crunches for training the  abs  your muscles will reduce the  fat  of the  abdomen or other  magical  recipes  exist. However, as your total  fat  will be reduced as part of a  hypocaloric diet  and execution  of physical  activity will be reduced and the  fat  in the area that interests you!

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